Sunday, November 7, 2010


Each time I tell my story
face to face or inscribe it
to paper, I heal infinitesimally.
Every day, hour, and measured
moment I heal with the passage
of time whether I note it or not.
With each finished painting
that speaks truth and love
I feel more whole. Every time
I listen to another who now walks
the same path, I grow stronger
and my pain is diminished.


Diane T said...

You are a superior example, Judy. The shortest way to heaven is to tell the truth, and you always do.

Mary said...

You have just become stronger and stronger by expressing YOUR truth in so many different ways.

Peggy said...

I love this Judy. I have long admired the spirit of your healing journey. Yes I think we heal moment by moment one step at a time.

Victoria said...

Truth does heal - telling it and hearing it.

Willow said...

It has been a long and difficult journey, you persevered, you told your story, you healed and you helped to heal others. Brava!

Anonymous said...

Healing is the work of a lifetime\CA

Anonymous said...

Healing is sometimes the work of a lifetime..CA

flaubert said...

This is beautiful Judy, simply beautiful.