Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I Remember Love

I’m reminded of our first kiss
at Aire’s Diner,Tampa.
Food was cheap and I was a cheap
date for my air force man in blue.

He later asked me to marry him
in the same booth where we
played the same songs.
Bridge Over Troubled Waters
was our fav, so were the Supremes. 

I hear a song or remember
back forty-three years ago
to that time and I’m transported
to the all encompassing
new love we shared.  I had no clue then
how much better love would get.


Berowne said...

Beautifully, touchingly, written...

Helen said...

... a loving tribute to your man, just in time for Valentine's Day!!

ND Mitchell said...

Great poem for Valentine's Day!

The Write Girl said...

It's beautiful to know that love gets better with time. I enjoyed the transformation of a young couple into an enduring romance.

Mary said...

I enjoyed your reminiscing, Judy. So often, as far as love goes, it seems that good gives way to BETTER!

Wayne said...

nicely done....thanks for sharin your words

Susan Anderson said...

A perfect valentine poem, to be sure. Nice tribute!


Sara McNulty said...

This is a tribute to both of you. Congratulations on growing together.

Jinksy said...

'Nice work if you can get it', as the song says. ♥

Tess Kincaid said...

So sweet...Happy Valentine's Day...

Peggy said...

Oh how young you and Bill look! These are wonderful memories and yes it does just get better!