Thursday, January 31, 2013

Winter Art

Ever changing winter art on windows.
Your icy deliciousness
flavored by minerals spills
over mountainsides in free fall scenes.

You are noticed, your tendrils gradually
engulf tree limbs and trunks.
When the sun rises, it is to silent beauty;
a field of diamonds.

I see glistening of grass stalks,
icicles hang from rooftops
and cars, decorating them like holiday

Your icy coldness
takes my breath away. I am not naïve,
these gorgeous icy days
are treacherous, even deadly. 

I let the beauty entice from afar but I know…
a wrong step, a little too fast
on black iced road could mean
injury or worse. I try not to let my
guard down, for it is then you show your
true composition and break me like an egg.


Mary said...

Judy, you have captured well the beauty of, glistening grass stalks, icicles. But you have also shown its danger (of which I am very much aware as I have to navigate an icy patch daily as I take dogs out. Sigh.)

Jennifer Wagner said...

Ice can add a certain magical look to a winter scene. But you are careful not to slip!

Anonymous said...

You painted images with your words. Well done.
McGuffy's Reader

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

Ooh, powerful last line! You captured well the beauty and treachery.

Ella said...

Oh, I love the beauty and fluid to see them growing and cascading! Beautiful~

"You are noticed, your tendrils gradually
engulf tree limbs and trunks.
When the sun rises, it is to silent beauty;
a field of diamonds."