Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Grand Event

Yesterday you placed her in my arms; no that was a year ago.
Mimi, meet your great granddaughter, Kaylee, you said
as if the words meant something through the roar in my ears--
all the dreams realized and not, it all comes to this one miracle placed in my arms.

In my teary blindness I reach out for her, feel her first,
her precious body light as a feather, I know she looks at me.
I want to see my great granddaughter’s eyes, that’s where connection is made.

The tears fade but not the catch in  my throat as I finally see
this perfect little face, ears, rosebud lips, huge blue eyes,
my Kaylee D, mine, my grandchild, my beautiful miracle
I readjust you as I sit and see that I am given the world in my arms.


Peggy said...

A great event indeed Judy. What a beautiful face. I hope you post this at Poety Jam where the prompt is to write about a face.

Ann said...

A beautiful face for a beautiful gramma to love.

Lynne said...

Grand poem about a Grand event with a super Great Granddaughter! Kylee is so precious.

Mary said...

Time passes so fast, doesn't it? A year ago seems like 'yesterday.' What a beautiful girl she is. I hope you have a chance to hold her again soon.

Willow said...

Precious, and she has your name. Kay-Lee D

Hannah said...

This is one of the most precious moments we'll ever experience in life, in my opinion. You've captured the magic of it beautifully!

Brian Miller said...

awww she is so beautiful...and i know you fell in love the moment you saw her...thanks for sharing this tender gave me a huge smile....

Sreeja said...

Beautiful and nice writing....