Friday, December 3, 2010


My family was getting smaller, only my daughter now who decided
not to have children..yet . My son passed away. But today I have
two daughters and four granddaughters and three great grandsons.
My second granddaughter just had a little girl last night. I have my

first great granddaughter. I feel comatose..unreal…I can’t believe
the way I feel about this little girl and how much I want to see her
and hold her, how much I love her though I haven’t seen her
or touched her. So much of my life is in flux. Sometimes emotionally

I don’t even know where I am. So this is what it’s like to be a great
grandma. I can’t get this grin off my face or the desire to see her
and hold her off my heart. I’m in a daze. Is this a dream? How can
this be real. This is really weird.

(Written for Poets United prompt..Weird)


Victoria said...

Sometimes change just hijacks us, weird indeed - good weird this time! I'm so happy for you in the sudden upswing of family to love - and I hope you get to cuddle that great granddughter soon.

Willow said...

Yes, good weird for a change, and I am happy for you!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

weird indeed.
well done,

Peggy said...

Love this Judy. Weird can be wonderful.

Paul Andrew Russell said...

Very nice, Judy. This made me smile. :-)

Mary said...

Judy, a few years ago I think you never dreamed you would be a grandmother and now you are not only a grandmother but also a GREAT grandmother. It is really WEIRD sometime how life turns out, and fun when the weirdness is wonderful. Congrats on the birth of your great grand!

Diane T said...

I'm so happy for you with the grandchildren and now a great grandchild in your life. This is a beautiful and heart-felt poem, Judy!

Anonymous said...

Loved the poem, beautiful and weird feelings.

I can’t get this grin off my face

I'm grinning myself... so happy for you, your first greatgrandgirl. Congratulations!