Saturday, November 21, 2009


When they married everyone said
it was meant to be. They did
everything together
had the same goals and dreams
compromised and gave in.
They had two children and worked
hard to raise them. When they
retired they purchased an RV
just like they dreamed
they would. They traveled
to every state and made lots
of friends.The couple bragged they
had never spent a night apart
in their fourty years of marriage.
When he died in that fourtieth
year, she married another man
two months later. She and her
new husband do everything
together. Everyone they meet
says they are so attached, you
never see one without the other.
They all agree it’s a marriage
that was meant to be.

Judy Roney
November 19, 2009

1 comment:

Mary said...

Wow, this is quite a poem! I assume based on reality. Human nature certainly surprises me sometimes.