Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I’m never stuck in a line
never have to tap my foot
in impatience or stew in anger

I’m never bored while I wait
in a line at the Krogers
or at Doctor Korte’s office

I always have choices,
a small book tucked
inside my purse awaits

just such a moment
and since these times
in lines lend themselves

to thinking and figuring out
I always have my tiny
orange “Thoughts” book

where I can write down
a good idea, a word I hear
or the lines in my next poem.

Judy Roney
November 14, 2009


Mary said...

How neat to read what you do when you stand in lines. You make good use of the time. I admire that. Me? I just look for the shortest line and wait and get annoyed if there is, as sometimes happens, a slowdown right before it is my turn. LOL.

Judy Roney said...

I am the best chooser of the line that will come to a stop just before I get to the cashier, Mary. Truly, I am a master at it. That is why a book is a good thing for me to have with me because I've decided to no longer fight my fate. LOL