Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Self Talk

(The Blues)

I didn’t work out again today
Oh, I didn’t work out again today
Someone says just do it, but it wasn’t me, hey!

I don’t know where my will power is
Now, I just don’t know where my willpower is.
No, I’m gumming and eating like nobodies biz!

I just come down on myself well enough
Yes, I come down on myself well enough
I’m not settling nothing, life’s  always been tough!

I think I’ll get up now and go to the gym
I think I’ll get up now and go to the gym
Especially now that my excuses look dim!


Ann said...

This is such fun to read, Judy, and something everyone can relate to at one time or another.

Mary said...

Indeed, one can always find excuses if one wants to find them....but one can always resolve to start in earnest tomorrow.

Lynne said...

Honest and fun poem, Judy!

Peggy said...

Fun. This one is ready to be set to music. Did you have a tune in mind when you wrote it?