Saturday, April 11, 2009


Organize me,
keep me on task.
I in-put information
names, addresses,
phone numbers, too.
I list methodically
the dates and times of
appointments, birthdays,
celebrations, meet-ups,
and due dates; even rate
their importance with stars.

I do understand the drill,
that people my age need
to write things down.
I check out the days events
the first thing in mornings light
commit it all to mind, but then,
something always slips by me.

I do my part dilgently, so
can’t for the life of me see
how my organizer has failed
once more in it’s task
to manage and organize me.

Judy Roney
April 11, 2009


Mary said...

I really laughed about this...a poem of our age.

Doggone forgetful organizer anyway!!

Bill said...

You do a good job. Remember, "Balance"