Friday, November 28, 2008

PAD 28 - Celebration Poem

I used to wake up to gray wallpaper days, flat, dull, dreary, deathly gray.
One morning I woke up and saw the pervasive gray but I also saw one small
yellow rose on that wall. It was beautiful and I was overcome with joy
at seeing something beautiful again. The background is still gray,
it always will be. I can‘t erase or change what happened. But each morning
when I can wake up to a new flower, an addition to the wallpaper, I am thrilled.

Now when I awaken I look for the flowers. I am amazed at the colors, pinks,
yellows, lavenders, reds, and orange; a whole room full. As I reach out to others,
stretch and grow, I’m gifted with a beautiful addition to that environment of my
life. It took years, it wasn’t easy, but I love what I can see now I am enthusiastic
about opportunities to build on what I have.

I don’t ever forget my son, I don’t ever stop missing him, but I do honor him by
going on and making the best of my life here on earth though. There is a deep
sadness that is with me always, no doubt. But oh, the beauty of those flowers.
They make me glad to wake up and enthused about what joys this day will bring.

Judy Roney
November 28, 2008


Mary said...

I am glad that you can again see flowers, Judy, both realistically and symbolically ..... and not only SEE the beauty but write about it and paint it as well!

Victoria said...

I'm glad you can look for flowers now.